AlchemyCMS/alchemy_cms – main - Bundler

60 Dependencies total
57 Up to date
3 Out of date
active_model_serializers ~> 0.10.14 0.10.15
acts_as_list >= 0.3, < 2 1.2.4
awesome_nested_set ~> 3.1, >= 3.7.0 3.8.0
cancancan >= 2.1, < 4.0 3.6.1
coffee-rails >= 4.0, < 6.0 5.0.0
csv ~> 3.3 3.3.2
dragonfly ~> 1.4 1.4.1
dragonfly_svg ~> 0.0.4 1.0.1
gutentag ~> 2.2, >= 2.2.1 2.6.2
importmap-rails ~> 2.0 2.1.0
kaminari ~> 1.1 1.2.2
originator ~> 3.1 3.1
ransack >= 1.8, < 5.0 4.2.1
simple_form >= 4.0, < 6 5.3.1
turbo-rails >= 1.4, < 2.1 2.0.11
view_component ~> 3.0 3.21.0