
65 Dependencies total
20 Up to date
45 Out of date
@floating-ui/react ^0.21.0 0.27.5
@headlessui/react ^1.7.13 2.2.0
@heroicons/react ^2.0.16 2.2.0
@next/bundle-analyzer ^13.2.4 15.2.3
@next/env ^13.2.4 15.2.3
@supabase/supabase-js 2.10.0 2.49.1
@tailwindcss/forms ^0.5.3 0.5.10
@upstash/qstash ^0.3.6 2.7.22
axios ^1.3.4 1.8.4
date-fns ^2.29.3 4.1.0
date-fns-tz ^2.0.0 3.2.0
encoding ^0.1.13 0.1.13
fast-xml-parser ^4.1.3 5.0.9
framer-motion ^9.1.7 12.5.0
hotkeys-js ^3.10.1 3.13.9
html-tags ^3.2.0 4.0.0
immer ^9.0.19 10.1.1
is-hotkey ^0.2.0 0.2.0
is-url ^1.2.4 1.2.4
joi ^17.8.3 17.13.3
jotai ^2.0.3 2.12.2
markdown-it ^13.0.1 14.1.0
nanoid ^4.0.1 5.1.5
next ^13.2.4 15.2.3
next-seo ^5.15.0 6.6.0
nextjs-google-analytics ^2.3.3 2.3.7
parse5 ^7.1.2 7.2.1
react ^18.2.0 19.0.0
react-dom ^18.2.0 19.0.0
react-icons ^4.8.0 5.5.0
react-merge-refs ^2.0.1 2.1.1
refractor ^4.8.1 5.0.0
rfdc ^1.3.0 1.4.1
slate ^0.91.4 0.112.0
slate-history ^0.86.0 0.110.3
slate-hyperscript ^0.77.0 0.100.0
slate-react ^0.91.10 0.112.1
string-strip-html ^13.2.1 13.4.12
tailwind-merge ^1.10.0 3.0.2
usehooks-ts ^2.9.1 3.1.1
vite ^4.1.4 6.2.2
zustand ^4.3.6 5.0.3